joi, 5 septembrie 2013

How to Host an HTML Website?(and everything else)

 'Morning, people living in Central Europe. I'll start off a bit different. If you read yesterday's post you'll know of this new schedule I'm trying to bring into my life. It goes like this- wake up as early as possible and get everything done by 1 p.m. Also, do your best.

 So did it work? Nope. But unlike the usual, yesterday I managed to get all my tasks done. Everything I planned to do was done by the end of the day- finish the movie website, upload the HTML to a web host(and I'll show you how), film & edit 1 more scene, made a teaser video for the movie, blogged, back linked + the usual social media updates. In fact, if this movie ends up a success, I'll start a video guide on how to make a movie entirely by yourself.

Hosting a Website on Google Drive

 Unless you already have one, you'll need to create a Google account. Next, at the top of the Google menu( there should be a 'Drive' button. Click on it.

 On the top left corner of the page, there should be a 'Create button'. Click it and select 'Folder'.

 After you created your folder, you need to go back to the titles menu(the one in the image above) and check the box next to your folder. Right click the folder, then select the 'Share' option. It takes you here:
 My website is already set for Public on the web. To do so, you need to click the 'Change' button next to the Privacy options and select 'Public'.

 Save & click Done. 

 Now take your files(the HTML files and everything else needed for your webpage) and upload them to your folder. Make sure to have the HTML index or else this won't work.

 After uploading them, just check one of the '.html' files, then copy the part of the URL that comes after 'folders/'

 Then go to this link and paste your part of the URL at the end of the it. Press enter. It should load that HTML file as part of the website. If it does not, then you should see a menu with the files again. Click any of the HTML files and this will open the website.

 How to get a Domain name for your Google Drive Website

This option is not yet available. There is however a workaround to it.

First you will need to purchase your domain name(I am assuming you know how to do this. You can get it from Google as well- I think). Let's say your domain name is


 People of the Internet, I finally managed to redirect my domain name to my official movie website  Here's how you can do it too:

 1.First of all, you need to upload your website to Google Drive(read the above).

 2.Now go to Go Daddy and purchase your domain name. 

 Next, you will need to find a free website editor(Google Sites, Go Daddy, etc.) and create a one page website. Go Daddy has free web hosting as long as the website is no bigger than one page(and they have more templates). Before you start using their website editor, you will be asked to select your domain name. Create an intro page for your website- it can simply be a link that reads- Proceed To Website. Have that link redirect to your Google Drive Files. There you have it.

 People type in the address, get to the intro page, then are redirected to your website.

 P.S: I know Go Daddy has the option to redirect a domain name with masking, but you can't actually use it for Google Drive since you can't link to the folder with the HTML files.

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